Conference Proceedings
IAMSLIC Conference Proceedings are archived in the digital repository, WHOAS (Woods Hole Open Access Server).
ISSN: 8755-6332
2023 Conference Proceedings (Virtual British Columbia, Canada)
2022 Conference Proceedings (Montevideo, Uruguay and Virtual)
2021 Conference Proceedings (Virtual Ireland)
2020 Conference Proceedings (Virtual)
2019 Conference Proceedings (Port Aransas, Texas)
2018 Conference Proceedings (Uganda)
2017 Conference Proceedings (Hawaii)
2016 Conference Proceedings (Merida)
2015 Conference Proceedings (Rome)
2014 Conference Proceedings (Noumea)
2013 Conference Proceedings (Dania Beach)
2012 Conference Proceedings (Anchorage)
2011 Conference Proceedings (Zanzibar)
2010 Conference Proceedings (Mar del Plata)
2009 Conference Proceedings (Brugge)
2008 Conference Proceedings (Fiji)
2007 Conference Proceedings (Sarasota)
2006 Conference Proceedings (Portland)
2005 Conference Proceedings (Rome)
2004 Conference Proceedings (Hobart)
2003 Conference Proceedings (Mystic)
2002 Conference Proceedings (Mazatlan)
2001 Conference Proceedings (Brest)
2000 Conference Proceedings (Victoria)
1999 Conference Proceedings (Woods Hole)
1998 Conference Proceedings (Reykjavik)
1997 Conference Proceedings (Charleston)
1996 Conference Proceedings (Monterey)
1995 Conference Proceedings (Southampton)
1994 Conference Proceedings (Honolulu)
1993 Conference Proceedings (Washington, DC)
1992 Conference Proceedings (Bremerhaven)
1991 Conference Proceedings (Galveston)
1990 Conference Proceedings (Seattle)
1989 Conference Proceedings (Bermuda)
1988 Conference Proceedings (Key Biscayne)
1987 Conference Proceedings (Halifax)
1986 Conference Proceedings (Newport)
1985 Conference Proceedings (Williamsburg)
1984 Conference Proceedings (Woods Hole)
IAMSLIC conference proceedings for the years 1984 – 1997, and 2002 were generously scanned by the VIMS Library (Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences) with funding from IAMSLIC. The remaining years (1998-2001, 2003-2004) were scanned by Stephanie Haas (University of Florida).
Proceedings Editor
Dorothy Barr
Public Services Librarian – MCB
Ernst Mayr Library, Harvard University
26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel (617) 495-1348 or -2475
Instructions to Authors
Instrucciones a los Autores