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Membership invitation

IAMSLIC is an organization through which members exchange ideas and explore issues of mutual concern. You are invited to participate, as we seek to provide a forum for sharing ideas and resources within the various aquatic science disciplines.  IAMSLIC has a long history of international cooperation. Membership is on calendar year basis, January 1st to December 31st.

For prospective members from high-income countries*
Membership:  1 year-$65.00 (US).-    2 years-$130.-    3 years- $150.-

For prospective members from low and middle income countries*
Membership:  1 year- $25.00 (US).-     2 years-$50.-      3 years- $60.-

For retired members
Membership:  1 year- $25.00 (US).-    2 years-$50.-      3 years-$60.-

For students
Membership:  1 year- $25.00 (US).-    2 years-$50.-     3 years-$60.-

* Please see the World Bank list of countries by income groups to determine the category.

Benefits Associated With IAMSLIC Membership:

  • Access to the searchable online IAMSLIC Membership Directory
  • Ability to post to the IAMSLIC Blog
  • Voting privileges in IAMSLIC elections
  • Access to publications and documents in the "member only" section of the IAMSLIC web site
  • Eligibility to receive IAMSLIC research and travel grants
  • Eligibility to serve as IAMSLIC officers or committee members
  • Membership in any of the IAMSLIC regional groups
  • Partnerships with IOC, FAO and PICES
  • IAMSLIC duplicate exchange program
  • IAMSLIC Z39.50 Distributed Library borrowing privileges
  • Use of the IAMSLIC discussion list for last-resort ILL requests
  • Annual conference registration at member's rate
  • Aquatic Commons Digital Repository

Guin Fund:
This fund is a memorial to founding member, Marilyn Guin, and provides support to members in developing countries. Please consider contributing to this fund in addition to your membership fee.

Sponsored Memberships:
IAMSLIC offers a limited number of Sponsored Memberships. Prospective members from low and middle income countries* unable to pay the $25 annual fee may apply to the Membership Committee for a one-time three-year sponsorship. Prospective members from high income countries may apply to the Membership Committee for a one-time one-year sponsorship. Sponsored members receive the same benefits as other membership categories and will be expected to contribute library holding information to IAMSLIC's Union List of Marine and Aquatic Serials.

Membership Correspondence: Kristen LaBonte at


  • Complete the Online IAMSLIC Membership Application or
  • Print and complete one of the Membership Forms below.
  • Make payment by check or money order payable in U.S. dollars to IAMSLIC. Your cancelled check is your receipt.
  • If you would like to pay by bank transfer or through a journal subscription agent, please contact Kristen LaBonte at for details.

Mail to:

Kristen LaBonte, Reference Services
University of California Santa Barbara Library
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9010 USA
Phone: Kristen LaBonte 01-805-893-2689

To Renew your membership, please log in and go to your Profile

Brochure & Membership Form in English (PDF)
Brochure & Membership Form in English (Word Doc)

Conviértase en miembro de IAMSLIC
IAMSLIC es una organización a través de la cual sus miembros intercambian ideas y exploran temas de interés mutuo. Lo invitamos a participar de este forum donde se comparten recursos y conocimientos en las diversas disciplinas de las ciencias acuáticas y marinas. IAMSLIC tiene una larga historia de cooperación internacional. La membresía comprende un año calendario, desde el 1ro. de enero al 31 de diciembre.

Brochure & Membership Form in Spanish (PDF)
Brochure & Membership Form in Spanish ( Word Doc)

Brochure & Membership Form in Portuguese (PDF)
Brochure & Membership Form in Portuguese (Word Doc)

Invitation à devenir membre de IAMSLIC
IAMSLIC est une organisation qui offre à ses membres la possibilité à changer des idées et de débattre de questions d'intét mutuel. Nous vous invitons à participer à ce forum afin de partager vos informations et vos ressources dans le domaine des sciences aquatiques. IAMSLIC a une longue expérience de coopération internationale. Les cotisations couvrent l'année calendaire, du 1er janvier au 31 décembre.

Brochure & Membership Form in French (PDF)
Brochure & Membership Form in French (Word Doc)

Mitgliedschaft Einladung
IAMSLIC ist eine Organisation von Bibliothekaren und Informations-Spezialisten in den marinen und aquatischen Wissenschaften. IAMSLIC bietet ein Forum, in dem Ideen und Ressourcen auf diesem Gebiet ausgetauscht werden können und wir möchten Sie herzlich einladen, an diesem Forum teilzunehmen und mitzuarbeiten! IAMSLIC hat eine lange Geschichte der internationalen Kooperation und die Mitglieder stammen aus den unterschiedlichsten Bibliotheken und Informationszentren, wie z.B. Forschungseinrichtungen, Universitäten, Behördenbibliotheken, gemeinnützige wie auch gewinnorientierte Unternehmen. Die Mitgliedschaft gilt jährlich, vom 1. Januar bis zum 31. Dezember.

Brochure & Membership Form in German (PDF)
Brochure & Membership Form in German (Word Doc)

Brochure & Membership Form in Russian (PDF)
Brochure & Membership Form in Russian (Word doc)

IAMSLIC advocacy materials

IAMSLIC poster in English Aug 2015 (jpg)

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