Membership & NOMINATING Committee
Chair: Kristen LaBonte (2020-2024)
Members: Kristen LaBonte (Membership Database Manager); Alice Endra, AFRIAMSLIC (2024-2026); Saida Messaoudi, AFRIAMSLIC (2025-2027); Miraneta Williams-Hazelman APIRG (2023-2026); Stephanie Granatin, APIRG (2020-2024); Amanda L Whitmire, Cyamus (2021-2023); Stephanie Ronan, EURASLIC (2023-2025); Andreas Walker, EURASLIC (2023-2025); Sara Yusta, LARG (2022-2023); Katie Lawton, SAIL (2021-2023); Joyce Shaw, SAIL (2023-2025)
- To encourage membership in IAMSLIC, particularly in developing countries and underrepresented areas where such membership would enhance and promote access to the rich resources of IAMSLIC’s expertise and library holdings.
- Administer the IAMSLIC Sponsored Membership Program (granting up to five three-year sponsored memberships and up to five one-year sponsored memberships per year).
- To administer the process and forward names of nominees to elected positions to the membership
- Coordinate advice and mentoring of new IAMSLIC members and provide information on networking opportunities.
- Forward nominations of IAMSLIC Honorary Members to the Executive Board.
Membership of the Committee:
- Voting: Two members of each regional group: the regional group representative and one other appointed by the regional group.
- Non-Voting: Membership Database Manager
Service on the Committee is a two-year term. The Chair will be appointed by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
- Candidate slate presented to Board six weeks prior to annual meeting
- Electronic ballots prepared one month prior to the annual meeting to allow adequate time for voting.
Membership Database
Liaison to Committee: Kristen LaBonte (ongoing)
- To maintain IAMSLIC’s membership database including renewals.
- To provide labels and lists to IAMSLIC members for official purposes (at no charge), or to for-profit and not-for-profit agencies (on a fee-for-service basis)