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Donation and Sponsorship Opportunities

IAMSLIC is a non-profit professional association whose member services and programs serve a diverse range of libraries and information centers in marine and aquatic science institutions of all sizes across six continents. As such, donations and sponsor contributions are welcomed and help to augment the association's ability to serve all of its members. Several categories of support are available:

  • The Guin Fund is a memorial to founding member, Marilyn Guin, and provides support to members in developing countries to participate in regional and international meetings of the association.
  • AFRIAMSLIC is the Regional Group of IAMSLIC for the continent of Africa. Donations help the group meet the challenges of providing programming for a widely dispersed membership.
  • Vendors and agencies are encouraged to sponsor events at IAMSLIC's Annual Conferences to help keep registration costs affordable. Interested parties should contact the President-Elect who serves as the Conference Convener for more information about sponsorship opportunities and the possibility of exhibiting at the conference.  Please specify which event you are supporting in the Comments field below.
  • Sponsorship of events at the meetings and conferences of the Regional Groups are also welcomed. Please specify which event you are supporting in the Comments field below.
  • You may also sponsor a member in a low or middle income country. It is $25 for a one year membership or $60 for a three year membership.

IAMSLIC is incorporated as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization in the state of Oregon, United States. As such, donations to the association may qualify as charitable contributions for tax purposes.
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The Guin Fund is a memorial to founding member, Marilyn Guin, and provides support to members in developing countries. AFRIAMSLIC is the Regional Group for the continent of Africa.
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