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FAO-IAMSLIC Joint Activities

Proposed Activities for 2020-2021

  • IAMSLIC to enable opportunities for promotion of ASFA partnership and products, such as ASFA Database & ASFA Subject Vocabulary, at the IAMSLIC conferences, through the website and social media channels;
  • IAMSLIC to assist with identifying ASFA Associates [particularly, in non-ASFA affiliate countries];
  • IAMSLIC to provide expert’s advice via participation in the ASFA Strategic Advisory Group;
  • IAMSLIC to contribute to the ASFA 50th Anniversary Conference (Rome, Italy) in 2021. 
  • ASFA to promote collaboration and networking between fisheries and aquatic science libraries by promoting membership in IAMSLIC and supporting IAMSLIC regional groups (through paying IAMSLIC membership fees for ASFA partners and hosting ASFA and IAMSLIC events back-to-back which would enable participation in both events of the ASFA partners concerned); 
  • The ASFA Secretariat to participate as members of the Aquatic Commons Board and Joint Repository Working Group to plan for a joint repository formed by the merger of Aquatic Commons and OceanDocs. 
  • ASFA to promote the use of the Aquatic Commons repository at the ASFA events, through the website and social media channels until the development of a joint repository. 
  • ASFA to improve access to grey literature from developing countries through increased coverage in the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) database (through the Trust Fund (TF) Special Projects); 
  • To implement mandatory requirement to upload documents digitized as part of the ASFA TF projects into the Aquatic Commons or new joint repository. 
  • IAMSLIC to allow ASFA’s new software (VRE) to harvest its repository, and to jointly investigate ways of contributing to open information products and services. 
  • If Aquatic Commons and OceanDocs were to merge into a new joint repository, IAMSLIC and ASFA to investigate the opportunity of development trilateral MOU between IAMSLIC, IODE, and ASFA which would detail collaboration on 1) joint repository, 2) advisory services, 3) training activities, 4) events, etc. 
    • to discuss and agree on ASFA’s financial (and in-kind) contribution to the ongoing maintenance of the joint repository, if created. ASFA to become a member of the repository Board/Steering Committee.
    • to ensure the interoperability of ASFA’s new software with the joint repository and to set up harvesting metadata from the repository.
    • to include ASFA brand in the repository branding. 
  • ASFA to investigate the opportunity of hosting the ASFA mini-workshop back-to-back with the 46th IAMSLIC Annual Conference and PIRG Regional Meeting in 2020 (Wellington, New Zealand). 
  • ASFA to investigate the opportunity of hosting the 2021 ASFA Board meeting (Rome, Italy) back to back with the 47th IAMSLIC Annual Conference and the 19th EURASLIC Biennial Meeting in 2021 (Bremerhaven, Germany) to enable those ASFA partners that will receive financial support from ASFA to participate in both events. 
  • ASFA and IAMSLIC to review the status of joint activities for 2020-2021 and produce a draft outline of activities for 2022-2023 biennium by December 2021. 

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