EXECUTIVE BOARD The voting membership of the IAMSLIC Executive Board consists of the Officers elected by the membership (see below) and any duly elected Regional Group Representative(s). In addition, the Committee Chairs, Archivist, Proceedings Editor, the Membership Database Manager and, optionally, the Immediate Past President, serve as non-voting members of the Board. To email the Executive Board, use the Executive Board Email List For some history, read Our Story and view the list of Past Officers |
David Baca Texas A&M University at Galveston P.O. Box 1675
Galveston, TX 77553 U.S.A.
Email: bacad@tamug.edu | Daryl Superio
Northern Iloilo State University
V. Cudilla Ave., Estancia Iloilo, Philippines Email: dlsuperio@nisu.edu.ph | Isabirye Aggrey
National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI)
Jinja, Uganda Email: aggrey.isabirye@yahoo.com |
Kristen LaBonte UCSB Library
Santa Barbara, CA U.S.A. 93106-9010 Email: klabonte@ucsb.edu | Geoffrey Timms Marine Resource Library College of Charleston 217 Fort Johnson Road Charleston, SC U.S.A. 29412 Email: timmsgp@cofc.edu | Hannah Russell Puke Ariki Library 1 Ariki St New Plymouth, New Zealand Email: hannah.russell@npdc.govt.nz |