Conference Site Selection Committee
Chair: David Baca, 2023-2025
Committee Members:
AFRIAMSLIC– Coffi Fernando Rock Gbedo (2021-2023)
EURASLIC–Bart Goossens (2021-2023), second term
Latin American–Leticia Lizondo (2021-2023)
APIRG–Miraneta Williams-Hazelman (2023-2025)
SAIL–Lisa Ferrar (2023-2025)
Cyamus–Jeanine Scaramozzino (2021-2023)
Committee Membership:
This committee will consist of one member from each regional group and one member-at-large, none of whom are currently on the IAMSLIC Executive Board. Service on the committee is a two-year term and half of the committee will rotate off each year. Members remaining from the previous committee will choose a chair for the next iteration of the committee.
The committee will gather and evaluate proposals to host the Annual IAMSLIC conference two years in advance using the “Schedule of Regions” below. Committee will vote on proposed host sites and make a formal selection announcement to the IAMSLIC Executive Board, who will then vote to approve the selection and announce the winner.
Timeline: Proposals are due to the Executive Board by the end of June three years out from hosting, and follow the timeline below:
- Beginning of May: send out request for proposals to regional rep.
- End of June: Deadline for proposal submission.
- Beginning of July: Send out proposals and proposal review form to Site Selection Committee
- End of July: deadline for review
- Beginning of August: vote for proposed conference site
- End of August: submit vote to Executive Board
IAMSLIC Site Selection Guidelines:
As IAMSLIC continues to increase its international presence, identifying the location of its annual conference becomes a strategic opportunity, as it can bring together members and increase participation from targeted regions of the world. Therefore, guidelines that reflect this opportunity are critical to assist the Site Selection Committee as they do their work.
- Every attempt should be made to hold the IAMSLIC annual conference jointly with a regional group meeting.
- Unless extraordinary circumstances exist, IAMSLIC should not meet in the same region consecutively. Consecutive meetings in North America (Cyamus & SAIL regions) should also be avoided when possible.
- Affordability must always be a primary factor in the final recommendation of the committee. The cost to the average member must be considered including registration, accommodations and travel.
- Once the Site Selection Committee has been appointed and the charge given by the IAMSLIC President, a call for proposals to the membership is required. However, committee members are also expected to actively recruit potential hosts from their region.
Proposals must contain the following information:
- Typical cost of transportation both to the site and around the region including cost in time and money. Estimated cost of flights from one city in each of the IAMSLIC regions to the conference destination should be presented.
- Average housing costs including a range of possible accommodation types.
- Entry process required by the host country. Many members in developing countries do not have easy access to embassies for the purpose of obtaining visas.
- Suggested timeframe. While the second week of October has been the general target, local conditions (holidays, travel rates, weather) must be considered. The final decision on conference dates will be made in consultation with the Junior President Elect for that year.
- How local hosts anticipate handling the workload of hosting a conference. In regions with few active members a conference planner may be considered although this will add to the overall expense.
- Any factors that would make the location attractive to IAMSLIC members.
Schedule of Regions:
2022 – Latin America region
2023 – Cyamus region
2024 – AFRIAMSLIC region
2025 – SAIL region
2026 – APIRG region
2027 – Euraslic region
2028 - Latin America region
Proposals to Host:
Vancouver, Canada (Virtual) 2023
Montevideo, Uruguay Proposal 2022
Bremen, Germany Proposal 2021
New Zealand Proposal 2020
Port Aransas, TX Proposal 2019
Uganda Proposal 2018
Hawaii proposal for 2017
Merida proposal for 2016
Rome proposal for 2015
New Caledonia proposal for 2014
Fort Lauderdale proposal for 2013
Anchorage proposal for 2012
Zanzibar proposal for 2011
Argentina proposal for 2010
Fiji proposal for 2008
Sarasota proposal for 2007
Sample Evaluation Form for Committee:
IAMSLIC Site Selection Evaluation Form (MS Word doc)