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Meet the #IAMSLIC2022 presenters - Julia Demasi Zavala & Elvira Demasi Zavala

9 Oct 2022 16:23 | Hannah Russell (Administrator)

Next up, let's meet our #IAMSLIC2022 conference presenters Julia Demasi Zavala & Elvira Demasi Zavala.

We are thrilled to have Julia speak to us, as she is President of the Asociación de Bibliotecólogos del Uruguay. She is a graduate of the Universidad de la República LIS program, with a dissertation on library history. From 2000 to 2013 she worked in engineering college libraries in Uruguay (Facultad de Ingeniería) and for 18 months in the US (University of Minnesota Walter Library). Since 2013 she works in a K12 school library in Montevideo. For the past 20 years she has also worked free lance as a virtual reference librarian, a knowledge organization specialist, an information literacy tutor, and assisting with moving and selling personal libraries. Julia believes there's strength in numbers so she joined the ABU as soon as she could, and loves organizations where the question is not what they do for you but what you can do thanks to them.

Joining Julia is Elvira, who has the fabulous job title of Tourismologist. Elvira graduated from the University of Costa Rica with a BSc and a MSc in ecotourism, specializing in environmental management and ecotourism. She has participated in numerous consultancies and research projects related to ecotourism, nature tourism and alternative tourism, trying to emphasize strategies to approach the objectives of sustainability. She currently works as a teacher in the Bachelor of Tourism at Universidad de la República and in the Bachelor of Educational Recreation and the Bachelor of Tourism Business Management at Universidad Católica del Uruguay. In addition to teaching, she dedicates part of her time to conducting research that addresses tourism from different perspectives.

Julia and Elvira will be presenting at #IAMSLIC2022 on "Environmental sciences libraries as a force for good in a world of skepticism and disillusion".

As might be obvious from their backgrounds, Julia is interested in library history and information literacy and Elvira is interested in sustainable tourism, territorial processes, and sustainable development. Please do chat to them at the conference about these things, and more!

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