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  • 9 Oct 2020 13:25 | Stephanie Ronan (Administrator)

    It's The Final Countdown da-da-da-da!

    Only 4 days to go until our first ever virtual conference and we’re very excited in IAMSLIC HQ.

    So, you may have noticed that we’re doing things a little differently this year…

    Usually before our conferences we like to take some time to introduce our speakers, tell you a little about them as a person, give you some talking points for meeting them at the conference and introduce their talk. Well COVID made sure we had no time to do that in our usual way this year, so we've had a little think outside of the box and we think you're going to like our new idea! 

    In the spirit of Changing Tack and Adjusting our Sails, we’ve asked our speakers to provide us with a brief video introduction. Let's hope the last eight months of video calls have eased our presenters nerves a little bit in front of the camera. We'll be honest, we just threw this one at them this week, so I'm impressed that we've received two videos already, co-incidentally they happen to be from our first speakers on Tuesday morning, both from Euraslic: Sofija Konjevic and Stephanie Ronan



    We think they did a great job, we really just want to see everyone and feel a little bit more together. I mean, it going to be hard for anyone to top the Texas Two-Stepping intro we received from Dave Bacca last year, but I think that might have been asking too much from our presenters at such short notice! (! 

    Twitter Challenge 

    Networking is going to be slightly more challenging this year, so for any of our almost 100 participants who have registered so far, if you would like to get in on the action and give us a video introduction... hold out your camera, press record and introduce yourself, simple as that. Then share with us on Twitter @IamslicOrg and use the hashtag #IAMSLICVirtual. We would love to hear and see from you all.

    Conference kick off is Tuesday, so get Tweeting!

  • 9 Oct 2020 10:51 | Jaime Goldman (Administrator)

    Are you ready for the 2020 IAMSLIC Conference Guin Fund Challenge?  We are on pace to surpass the 2019 IAMSLIC Conference Guin Auction, which was the all-time highest fundraiser for the Guin Fund on record!  IAMSLIC encourages you to consider donating your registration fee to the Guin Fund to help us exceed that goal!  The Guin Fund is a memorial to founding member Marilyn Guin, and provides support to members in developing countries to participate in regional and international meetings of the association.  Any amount, no matter how big or small, is appreciated during these difficult times. 

    Donate today at:

    #IAMSLICVirtual  #GuinFundChallenge

  • 7 Oct 2020 10:20 | Jaime Goldman (Administrator)

    The planning committee of the 46th Annual Conference of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC) is excited to invite you to join us for IAMSLIC’s first ever virtual conference!  The conference will be held online via Zoom 13-14 October 2020 from 8:30am EDT to 8:00pm EDT each day.  The conference planning committee worked to ensure the program times worked for all presenters and rotates through the IAMSLIC membership regions and time zones.   To see the proposed program outline, please visit:

    Conference registration is available at:

    • Thanks to the generous support from our conference sponsors, we are able to provide FREE registrations for all IAMSLIC members! If you had set aside registration funds for this conference, we encourage you to consider reallocating them by supporting the IAMSLIC Guin Fund (, which is a memorial to founding member, Marilyn Guin, and provides support to members in developing countries to participate in regional and international meetings of the association.
    • Due to anonymous member donations, we are also able to support new IAMSLIC memberships for up to 16 new members from low-middle income countries through 31 December 2021.  These memberships will also include a free registration for the 2020 conference.  We hope you will encourage potential future IAMSLIC members from your regions who qualify to apply for this opportunity. 

    In addition to the accepted talks, we will hold our annual business meeting, host regional group meetups, provide times to network and socialize, facilitate virtual tours, and more!

    For more information, please visit the registration page by clicking the link below, or visit the 2020 IAMSLIC Conference website:  


  • 28 Sep 2020 10:50 | Jaime Goldman (Administrator)

    The planning committee of the 46th Annual Conference of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC) is excited to invite you to join us for IAMSLIC’s first ever virtual conference! The conference will be held online via Zoom 13-14 October 2020 from 8:30am EDT to 8:00pm EDT each day. The conference planning committee worked to ensure the program times worked for all presenters and rotates through the IAMSLIC membership regions and time zones.

    Conference registration is now open at: Thanks to the generous support from our conference sponsors, we are able to provide FREE registrations for all IAMSLIC members! If you had set aside registration funds for this conference, we encourage you to consider reallocating them by supporting the IAMSLIC Guin Fund (, which is a memorial to founding member, Marilyn Guin, and provides support to members in developing countries to participate in regional and international meetings of the association. Due to an anonymous donation, we are also able to support new IAMSLIC memberships for up to 12 new members from low-middle income countries. These memberships will also include a free registration for the 2020 conference.

    For more information, please visit the registration page by clicking the link below, or visit the 2020 IAMSLIC Conference website:


  • 24 Aug 2020 11:36 | Jaime Goldman (Administrator)

    The planning committee of the 46th Annual Conference of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC) is excited to invite you to join us for IAMSLIC’s first ever virtual conference 13-14 October 2020.  In order to be inclusive of our international membership, this online conference will take place over a 24 hour period, spanning all time zones.  The Conference Program Committee will be mindful of the time zones of the presenters and will create a schedule that will work best for each presenter when allocating their allotted time for presenting.

    The 2020 conference theme is Changing Tack: Adjusting our Sails to Navigate Uncertain Waters.  Changing Tack refers to changing direction, position, or course of action in order to adapt to the conditions of the environment you are presented with.  It is all about adjusting what you have in order to continue forward in the right direction during turbulent times.  This year has presented us all with new and unparalleled challenges and obstacles to overcome.  In order to keep sailing on, we have had to adjust and adapt in new and innovative ways. 

    Please visit the 2020 IAMSLIC Conference website to learn more about our theme and consider submitting a proposal before the 7 September, 2020 deadline.  All accepted proposals will include FREE registration for the presenter(s)!

  • 1 Jun 2020 11:16 | Angela Clark-Hughes (Administrator)
    IAMSLIC would like to extend its gratitude to the members of the IAMSLIC Conference Code of Conduct Task Force, Lisa Raymond (Chair), Mary Markland, Brian Voss, Anne Moser, and Angela Clark-Hughes.

    Please view

  • 18 May 2020 14:24 | Jaime Goldman (Administrator)

    Dear IAMSLIC Members,

    In an abundance of caution surrounding the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic and in keeping the safety of our membership and organization in mind, the IAMSLIC Executive Board has decided to transition the 2020 in person conference scheduled for 11-15 October 2020 in Wellington, NZ to an online virtual conference.  In addition to the concerns for the safety of our membership, at this time there are international travel restrictions in place for New Zealand that will not allow us to facilitate the travel visas and arrangements needed in the coming months.  While we know that this is a disappointment that we will not be able to convene and meet in person in Wellington, NZ as planned, the IAMSLIC Executive Board feels that this is the most prudent and responsible decision for our membership. 

    On behalf of both Hannah Russell (local Wellington, NZ host) and myself (2020 IAMSLIC Conference Program Committee Chair), we appreciate your understanding and support during this time.  We hope that we can circle back to New Zealand in the future once international travel is safe and feasible again.  In the meantime, please stay tuned for a call for proposals and an invitation to IAMSLIC’s first ever virtual conference!

    If you are interested in volunteering for the 2020 IAMSLIC Virtual Conference Planning Committee, please reply directly to me at

    Thank you,

    Jaime Goldman

    IAMSLIC President-Elect & 2020 IAMSLIC Conference Program Committee Chair

  • 4 May 2020 15:30 | Jaime Goldman (Administrator)

    Reopening: Not “When?” But “How?”Libraries consider the realities of a post-pandemic world  

    By Cass Balzer | April 17, 2020

  • 20 Jan 2020 19:29 | Steven Watkins (Administrator)

    We are pleased to announce that IAMSLIC has recently migrated all of its membership management functions to a new, more fully-featured platform and will no longer be reliant on the old custom scripts that previously supported the membership database. In addition, nearly all of the IAMSLIC website content has been migrated to the same Wild Apricot system. While you can still connect to the website via the old URL and navigate to the new site, you should consider updating any shortcuts to use the new URL:

    Among the advantages for members are the ability to log in and update one's own contact information and the ability to pay membership dues by credit card using the same system. Access to the Members Area will now also be available when one logs in to one's personal account on Wild Apricot; the generic member password will no longer be needed for access to member-only content.

    The IAMSLIC Discussion List and other regional lists will continue to reside on their current platforms. The Resource Sharing system will also remain on the old hosting service for the foreseeable future. When a member wishes to submit an interlibrary loan request via the Z Catalog or Union List of Marine and Aquatic Serials, the generic member password will still be necessary for access to the ILL forms.

    This transition has been made possible through the efforts of a migration work group that was convened by the Executive Board and has been busily working behind the scenes for the past several months.

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