The SAIL listserv functions as a vehicle for sharing information, requesting hard to fill interlibrary loans, reprints, and reference verification.
Membership to IAMSLIC/SAIL is not required for joining the listserv; however, it is highly encouraged in order to enjoy its benefits. Learn more today by visiting our JOIN SAIL page for a link to join our group and to see a list of all the benefits of membership! Joining SAIL will connect you with a friendly, fun community of marine and aquatic science librarians who are always willing to lend a helping hand. PDF Brochure
To join the listserv, please send an email request to listserv manager, Duncan McClusky:
To post a message to the list, simply address your comments or announcements to SAIL@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU. The message will be circulated to all members of the list. The members may respond to you directly, or post their comments to the list for all to read.
Please do not post messages with embedded HTML commands.
The SAIL discussion list is hosted at the University of Georgia and administered by Duncan McClusky, CAES Tifton Campus Library, Tifton, GA.