2020 SAIL Virtual Conference
Wednesday, April 22nd ~ All times listed in EDT
10:30am Opening Remarks / Welcome (Anne Moser & Angela Clark-Hughes )
10:45am Welcome from Cyamus (Mary Markland)
11:00am Presentation 1: Frederick Stoss
Preparedness Matters: Library Roles Planning for Disasters
11:35am Presentation 2: David Baca
Beyond Reference: Campus Engagement Data
12:10pm Presentation 3: Joyce Shaw
Atmospheric Science Librarians International: Annual Conference Update
12:40pm Break: Breakfast (west coast) / Lunch (east coast)
1:30pm Presentation 4: Geoffrey Timms & Jared Seay
The Lecture is Dead! Long Live the Immersive Scenario Game!
2:05pm Presentation 5: Jaime Goldman and Keri Baker
A Multi-Dimensional Library: Embedding 3D Scanners into the Science Classroom Curriculum
2:40pm Presentation 6: Angela Clark-Hughes
Esploro Research Services at the University of Miami
3:10pm Short Break
3:25pm Presentation 7: Denise Wetzel
The Intersection Of Librarian And Student: How Pursuing A Masters In Aquatic Environmental Science Supports Outreach To FSU’s Earth, Ocean, & Atmospheric Science Department
4:00pm Presentation 8: Lightning Round
- Lisa Raymond: Will Publishers Insert Themselves in the Entire Research Life Cycle?
- Joyce Shaw: The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, The Gulf Coast Research Laboratory & Mississippi Alabama Sea Grant Consortium: 10 Years of Science and Sustainability
- Elizabeth Fish: Book awards can put your library organization on the map
4:30pm End Of Day Wrap Up -- Instructions for Tomorrow
Day 2 Agenda
Thursday, April 23rd ~ All times listed in EDT
10:30am SAIL Business Meeting
11:30am SAIL SOTU Libraries
12:30pm Break: Breakfast (west coast) / Lunch (east coast)
1:00pm Resource Sharing Workshop
3:00pm IAMSLIC Announcements
3:15pm SAIL Conference Virtual Happy Hour
Sponsorship Opportunities:
SAIL 2020 Conference Sponsorship Submission
With thanks on behalf of the SAIL regional group of IAMSLIC for considering support of the conference!