The IAMSLIC Conference committee is delighted to officially announce the 49th Annual Conference of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC), and the 34th meeting of the Cyamus regional group. The conference will be hosted virtually by the University of British Columbia Library from Monday Oct 23 to Thursday Oct 26, 2023.
The conference committee is also pleased to announce at this time that the call for proposals is now open!
Every bit of warming matters, every year matters, every choice matters.
Inspired by the UN IPCC’s core message, the IAMSLIC 2023 conference theme is What we do matters: Libraries, climate change, and transformation.
This theme speaks to the roles of libraries and library workers in supporting research and learning; building connections and supporting communities; and undertaking the transformative change that is needed in our communities, our institutions, and ourselves.
We are all connected and the changes we make can have far reaching impacts. To achieve “transformative systemic change” (IPCC), we seek inspired approaches to investigate and imagine new futures, accelerate change, and most importantly, work together. Throughout the conference, we will explore how these core messages relate to libraries and library workers.
In British Columbia, we see this theme of transformative change captured in the salmon, as a biological and culturally significant entity. Salmon transform throughout their life cycles, moving from stream to ocean to stream, and their health is closely tied to all of these places, inseparable from the health of Southern Resident Killer Whales, eagles, rivers, oceans, forests, bears, and human communities who rely on salmon for food, culture, and identity.
In 2022, heat and drought caused by climate change led to streams and rivers drying up and the death of thousands of salmon. Such events are expected to increase as we lose an estimated 95% of our glaciers in our lifetimes, decreasing fresh water levels and increasing water temperatures. While we witness these changes and resulting impacts, there are efforts to prioritize and teach Traditional Indigenous Knowledge, restoration, climate solutions, and climate justice.
We welcome presentation sessions and posters related to climate change, libraries, and the following sub-themes:
- Access
- Action on climate change and biodiversity loss
- Change and transformation
- Citizen science and monitoring
- Climate justice and equity
- Community and collaboration
- Data and research
- Historical sources
- Impacts and adaptation
- Library priorities and culture
- Misinformation, disinformation, and information literacy
- Restoration work
- Traditional practice and knowledge
- United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Submitting a Proposal
There is further information on the Call for Proposals page on the conference website, and you can submit a proposal via the online portal. We are accepting proposals until May 1 2023.
See the submission FAQ page for more details about required materials and important dates. Conference registration is required in order to present an accepted paper or poster. Please indicate the presentation format that would be most suitable for your proposal.
Presentation Format Options:
- Presentation (15 mins, including question period)
- Presentation (30 mins, including question period)
- Panel discussion (up to 45 mins, including question period)
- Poster (poster, 1-3 min video, poster presentation and question period)
Please see the conference website for more details.